What you can expect from Frazer…
Go LOCO!, with the Lowest Overall Cost of Ownership in the industry. Some of our customers have seen reductions anywhere from 42% – 60% in overall fleet maintenance costs.
Superior design lets Frazer units stay on the road longer, get back on the road faster, and, should you opt to go that route, makes remounting a breeze. Reduce the number of reserve units you need by keeping your frontline fleet in service. Reduce your lifetime expenditure by remounting the modules you have onto new chassis. Reduce your downtime with modular critical components designed to be replaced in a few hours at most, not a few days at least. Switch to a Frazer fleet and go LOCO.
Most Competitors…
We have heard from fleet supervisors and department heads how difficult and expensive it is to maintain a functioning fleet of ambulances when they are so frequently in the shop with electrical and HVAC problems. Remounts often aren’t a realistic option since no one wants to transfer the problems they already have onto a new truck, and the module is so dependent on the chassis electrical and HVAC systems..
Most people are simply wishing that THIS TIME around it will be different. Since it’s usually not, the typical approach is to increase fleet size to compensate for excessive downtime. In reality it just adds to the existing inefficient resources and increases overall operating and capital costs.