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Maintenance Tip: Adjusting the Valve Lash

Valve Lash

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. So goes the conventional thinking. If you follow it blindly you may be taking a bigger risk than you realize. We prefer the saying, “If it ain’t broke, let’s keep it that way.” So that’s what we’re going to do with this week’s maintenance tip – show you how to keep your valve lash in tip-top shape.

When should you adjust the valve lash in your Onan® 5.5 kw generator? This procedure should be performed every 450 hours or when a noticeable ticking noise is coming from the V-twin engine.

This is a nine-step procedure in your Cummins® Onan® service manual, and it can be performed in 30 minutes. You don’t have to remove your generator to perform this task.

Not performing a valve lash adjustment at the required intervals can lead to poor engine performance and/or engine damage.

You can learn more about this procedure by watching the video below.

For more maintenance tips, check out our service and maintenance videos.

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